Writer: Keelin Sanz
Director: Keelin Sanz
A delightful and disturbing short, Wo/Mi is a strong piece from Keelin Sanz and a great addition to the festival. A three-hander filled with humour, horror, and interesting dance pieces, it’s a pleasure to dip into it for the quick 20-minute running time.
Freya Blendell plays arguably the main character of the piece, a puppet of the American healthcare system (though it doesn’t seem so far from ours), being pushed and pulled and prodded by medical staff played by Darragh Scannell and Olivia Walsh. The stage is sparse, the costume changes are fluid and in front of us, and all of the focus is on the descent of Blendell into a deep despair. The choreography is the real triumph of the piece, from the first shove that sets the tone, the audience can really feel what Blendell is experiencing. Although it’s lifted by some laugh inducing can-can moments, the main themes are dark but sometimes beautiful, particularly the moments between Blendell and Walsh.
A very interesting look at how it feels to suffer through an undiagnosed long-term illness, and well worth a watch.
Ran Until 17th February 2023.