Request a review
If you would like us to review a production you are producing then please fill in the form below or send us a press release with as much information of the show to the relevant regional editor. (If it’s a tour, just the editor for the opening venue – we’ll circulate to the rest!)
We advise giving us as much notice as possible.We receive hundreds of requests to review each week; the later you leave it, the less chance we will be able to arrange for one of or reviewers to cover your show. We suggest 3 – 4 weeks’ notice at least.
Please note that we are unable to review amateur or community productions unless:
- Your group is formally affiliated with a professional theatre, eg, a youth company, summer youth project
- You have a higher educational remit, eg, a university-based company or professionally-run community project
- You are part of a major fringe theatre festival
We have to illustrate reviews with good quality production images. We can usually only publish one but it’s nice to have a small selection. Please:
- Do not send flyers or posters – we can’t use them
- Do not send rehearsal photos – we can’t use them.
- Do not send black and white images. While you think they look arty, they can look rubbish on a website that people are looking at on differently-calibrated monitors and devices
- We need images by press night at the latest. There’s no point in telling us you’ll send them next day
- Images don’t need to be hi-res. So long as they’re a minimum of 600px wide, they’re fine
- Please send images as separate attachments – do not embed them in your press release
- We can only publish images in a 5:3 landscape ratio, so around 600x350px is optimal
- Remember to frame your image realistically. There’s little point in having one actor standing while another sits on the floor next to them, or at opposite sides of the stage