Edinburgh Fringe Review Request

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the biggest open access arts festival in the world.You can request a review below or, alternatively, email details to us.
Make sure the email heading is formatted in the following way
ED FRINGE – YEAR – Show Title – Venue – Dates
For the attention of Lauren Humphreys – Scotland Editor
scotland AT thereviewshub DOT com
In 2017 hundreds of productions will be trying to get as much coverage/reviews as possible in Edinburgh so we ask that you read the guidelines/advice below before submitting your request.
1) Do your research – there’s little point in sending press releases to publications that do not cover the genre of your production.
2) Make sure your press release is copied in plain text into the body of the email and, if needed, attached as a.doc (word) file only.
3) Make sure the important information is clearly marked at the top of your release: Show Title, Venue, Time, Date
4) Make sure press contact details are in full and clear.
5) Sending a list of quotes and star ratings from other publications is pointless.
6) The main body of your email should be no more than 1 page. Notes for editors/listings/etc should come after the main release copy.
7) Include information on the Company/Producer/Director/Writer/Cast – the more information available the better.
8) As crazy as it seems, make sure the information in your press release is correct – you’ll be surprised how many get even the basic information wrong.
9) Include your social media accounts. This will help if we decide to tweet or put your publication on our social media feeds.
10) Include a landscape image with your release – Low Res (online use only) – we do not need Hi-Res images. By providing this from the start it may help your show get reviewed quicker and may even find your production being listed in one of our many planned features.
11) DO NOT include posters or flyers. We only accept production images without text.
12) Only include information about one show per email – and name it clear and concisely i.e ” Edinburgh Fringe – Year – Show Title”