
2023 – A New Year, A New Look

Firstly, we at The Reviews Hub would like to wish all our readers, venues and PR’s a Happy New Year and hope that it is a fruitful and exciting one for everyone.

As we approach our 16th year, we felt that our site and indeed what we offer you, our readers, has undergone a significant change over the last few years. We no longer just cover theatre – we now have a fully-fledged and very busy film team, Our regional teams cover many non-theatre events and this area continues to grow daily. We are also getting requests to cover other events within the leisure industry, and we are excited to explore these new avenues as we move into the future.

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Our old logo

Since we began in 2007 a lot has changed, we have undergone many changes, from a humble blog to a fully-fledged website. A massive name rebrand also took place just over 5 years ago, but one thing that remained the same was our beloved logo. The Quotation Masks, have become a recognisable symbol of our brand, one that has stood the test of time well, but it is time to say our goodbyes.

We believe that the new look and branding of The Reviews Hub offers a fresh and modern look to the future. The three circles represent the three main areas of coverage: Theatre (Still in our iconic purple colour), Film and Leisure. Their closeness and unified look tie it all in together as one recognisable place.

May 2023 be everything you wish it to be.

John McRoberts

Executive Editor – The Reviews Hub

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The Reviews Hub

The Reviews Hub was set up in 2007. Our mission is to provide the most in-depth, nationwide arts coverage online.

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