
MANY MEs – Town Hall Theatre, Galway

Reviewer: Tricia O’Beirne

Concept, Direction and Performance: Rocio Dominguez

A woman sits with her back to the audience, performing a gentle, repetitive washing of her neck, shoulders and arms; we hear the trickling sound of the water as she rinses the cloth in a bowl and mesmerically moves it over her body. This woman is a hologram, projected onto a large screen of mesh cloth which plays a major role in Rocio Dominguez’s multimedia performance, MANY MEs. When Dominguez emerges from the darkness of the Blackbox stage, clothed in white and moving slowly and rhythmically, we recognise her from the hologram. The description of Dominguez’s performance piece speaks of “experiences of transit, loss and rebirth” and while specifics are not obvious to this reviewer, pain and trauma are clearly depicted in Dominguez’s controlled and balletic movements throughout the 35-minute show.

The piece is interspersed with holograms projected onto the screen: the interaction between the performer on the stage and her beautifully depicted image(s) works extremely well. In a spellbinding sequence evocative of a chilled-out rave scene, multiple images on the screen dance with real-life Dominguez, all moving together in magical synchronicity. Both visual designer Ross Ryder and lighting designer Gearóid O Hallmhuráin have achieved a magical staging for Dominguez’s work, with music composer Ingrid Bocek’s soundscape reaching a crescendo mid-piece and holding back when required. The performance has a circularity reminiscent of the life cycle, the final moments see Dominguez’s hologram persona prepare for the coming performance which we have just witnessed.

This piece is visually beautiful, and Dominguez’s performance is consistently authentic; highly recommended.

Reviewed on 13th September 2024.

The Review's Hub Score


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The Reviews Hub - Ireland

The Ireland team is currently under the editorship of Laura Marriott. The Reviews Hub was set up in 2007. Our mission is to provide the most in-depth, nationwide arts coverage online.

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