Music & Lyrics: Max Martin & Friends
Book: David West Read
Director: Luke Sheppard
Following its original outing at the very same theatre in 2019, & Juliet returns to Manchester’s Opera House in stylish fashion to launch its first ever UK national tour.
Showcasing many of music legend Max Martin’s back catalogue with hits including ‘I Want It That Way’, ‘Domino’, Oops! I Did It Again!’ and ‘Fuckin’ Perfect’ to name just a few of the absolute bangers that litter & Juliet – the story follows Anne Hathaway (not the Hollywood actor) as she fights her famous playwright husband William Shakespeare to re-write and take creative control over his latest production Romeo & Juliet. Conflict of course ensues, but the story also takes a powerful look at gender, self-identity, acceptance, sexuality and feminism – all with a sprinkling of humour and wit from the writer of Schitt’s Creek David West Read.
Director Luke Sheppard has brought together an extremely strong cast for the UK Tour and directs with real passion and even on press night (due to an unexpected technical show stop) incredible spontaneity. X-Factor winner Matt Cardle is strong as Shakespeare, strong vocals and great comic timing – similar can also be said for Lara Denning as Anne Hathaway and Sandra Marvin as Angeliqué. Jordan Broatch give a beautiful portrayal of May and their vocals are sublime. Kyle Cox brings bags of charm as François. The biggest surprise of the night was Ranj Singh making his musical leading man debut as Lance – he owned each moment on stage carrying off the role with bags of energy and enthusiasm and this reviewer is interested in seeing what happens down the line with this TV Doctor turned Musical Theatre performer. The night however belongs to Gerardine Sacsalan – who is outstanding from start to finish as our heroine Juliet – her vocals are crisp and strong and her characterisation on point.
Jennifer Weber’s choreography is fresh and sharp and perfectly executed from a sensational ensemble upon Soutra Gilmour’s vibrant and adaptable set design. Howard Hudssn brings his usual colourful flair to the lighting design, while Paloma Young’s costume design brings ahip-hop regency flair to proceedings.
& Juliet might not be everybody’s cup of tea, however, for this reviewer, the strong cast, brilliant creative vision, excellent songs all wrapped up with energetic performances make this a must see as it goes on the road!
Runs until 20th July 2024 – then continues on a full UK Tour.