Choreography: Davine Tasinda, Adam McMillan, Kemono Lebe Riot & Levent Nyembo
Scottish dance company THREE60’s World’s Evolution aims to takes us on a journey from the origins of humanity to the present, highlighting the growth of mankind. From a world once united to the problems of today. Lofty ambitions that are pleasingly fulfilled in this life-affirming work.
This is a collective marked by a commitment to “inclusivity, education and community building”. They aim to dismantle the obstacles that limit the scope of professional dance in Scotland, promoting accessibility, nurturing talent and allow for experimentation and innovation in a supported environment. As well as broadening the limited entry points for professional opportunities within the country.
To a backdrop of a vast projection screen with beautifully curated images and a well-chosen soundtrack, the choreography is both innovative and accessible. Fluid, explosive, vibrant and thoughtful, it wears its influences on its sleeve. Fusing elements of street dance and African Diasporic dance forms, there is an electrifying thread uniting every dancer. It is filled with striking sequences of movement. It flows from visceral moments of anguish and rage to quiet reflection and joyous celebration with ease. Not a moment is wasted, the running time flies by in the blink of an eye.
The company are universally strong, each managing to shine. The quality of the movement on display is just exceptional, eliciting whoops and cries of delight throughout. Indeed, at the start we are invited to vocalise our responses to the work, informed that the performers thrive on it. The dancers won’t have been disappointed by the genuine joy in the audience’s reaction.
World’s Evolution is a work of exceptional quality, evidence that THREE60 are one of the finest dance companies in the country. Moving, enthralling, informative and uplifting. It will leave you with a smile on your face and joy in your heart.
Image: Joseph Obawole