Attention all sentient beings, beware the Dog Days of later Summer summoning yet again Parky Players’ return to The Fringe on the back of their 2022 successful run with Shake It Up. Taking the matter in to their own hands that the degenerative condition of Parkinson’s is no laughing matter is ruefully and ironically something that rather makes them laugh. In spite or because of the smirking face of adversity. Audiences so far, in heartily agreement. Appropriately informed.
Their Fringe premiere launch of Shaken, Not Stirred riffs along with ridiculous disregard for dramatic conventions and consequences. Loosely, very loosely indeed, the plot revolves around the planned mission to bring about the nemesis of Dr No whilst a very out of condition Bond is Fate bound to find a potential cure for Parkinson’s. Not the most garrulous of villains is Dr No. His singularity response being ‘No’. Obviously. And of course whilst stroking the whitest of ersatz cats. Sometimes it is just easier to appear normal. All things of course being relative – until one of your relatives or you are affected.
It is all burlesque kitschy cliche and tropes to the max. It’s all jolly joke-packed fun, not a whiff of preachy or self-pity, whilst subtly underscored with touching anecdotes and the occasional fact and stats. Rock n’ Roll to that!
What is going on with What is On? Maybe the thought of a perceived downer gig when Fringe-lite promises of ambrosia beckon? Taking a daringly delightful punt that the quintessential cool you’ve brought to Edinburgh brings a kinda magic come true.
You’re going to be so pleased with your self for seeing this show it will make your retrospections blush immodestly. Of course – They will expect you to die – laughing.
We really shouldn’t give it a star rating because audiences have already rated them all as stars, but we will.
Runs until 17 August 2024 | Image: Contributed