
Latitude Live: BBC Radio 4, The Kitchen Cabinet

Latitude Festival isn’t the most obvious place for a live radio broadcast with rowdy campers and distant drum beats threatening to ruin a piece; but BBC Radio 4 decided to brave the potential elements once again and take some lucky festival-goers to a secret studio for a recording of their foodie panel show, The Kitchen Cabinet.

Presented by Jay Rayner, who is quick to get the audience laughing and feeling involved in proceedings, The Kitchen Cabinet sets out to offer hints, tips and general hacks on all things food and kitchen, with a splattering of comedy and silliness thrown it. Today’s panelists are BBC2’s Great British Menu judge, Andi Oliver, food writer and restaurant critic Tim Hayward, chef and food stylist Jordan Bourk and Dr Zoe Laughlin regular BBC2’s The Big Life Fix.

Possibly a cunning way of making sure we all stay seated, we’re treated to a shot of local brewery Adnam’s vodka on arrival, which is surprisingly pleasing to the taste buds, even if it does feel a bit teenage downing it in one on the back row. Vodka is to become one of the later themes of the discussion with the panel providing gems of information such as adding it to curries, genius bloody mary ideas and even using the spirit to extract DNA from saliva!

With the panelists varying from ‘ewwww….camping’ to seasoned outdoor professionals, there is a wide range of opinions surrounding festival food and life in general and, overall, the hour’s show has at least one hidden gem of a tip in there for everybody. It would be rude to offer spoilers and tell all about what they were, but with the show going out next week, you can tune in and find out for yourselves.

The Kitchen Cabinet, Latitude edition, will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Saturday July 21.

Robin Winters | Image: Contributed

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