It’s that time of year when we launch our annual series of Fringe preview Q & A’s. Here, we find out about Unpolished Theatre’s Flesh and Bone.
In one sentence tell us about your show.
Shakespeare versus Guy Ritchie
What made you decide to bring a show this year?
Edinburgh is the Lion of Fringe Festivals and we want Flesh and Bone to be seen and heard and talked about.
Any advice you’ve heard or can give to anyone coming to the Fringe for the first time?
This is our first time. The best advice we have had so far is preparation, don’t leave anything to the last minute, so that in your final weeks you can be having fun creating, forming and rehearsing your show. Genius comes with a plan and no time to do it.
What makes your show stand out from all of the others on offer? (Don’t say that it’s because you’re in it!)
We have created our own language that is a mix of Shakespeare and Cockney, its eloquently virile.
What show, other than your own, do you not want to miss?
Finally, the boring but essential bit…
Name of the show: Flesh and Bone
Venue: Pleasance Jack Dome
Dates: 2 August – 28 August 2017
Time: 16:00