

It’s that time of year when we launch our annual series of Fringe preview Q & A’s. Here, Sara Joyce director of Dust, talks about the show .

In one sentence tell us about your show.

Alice is dead and can’t wait to see how much people are missing her until she starts to see how much she’s missing.

What made you decide to bring a show this year?

Milly Thomas. She’s so talented – her capacity to switch from writer to performer is jaw dropping.

Any advice you’ve heard or can give to anyone coming to the Fringe for the first time?

Gin pre-theatre, beer It’s that time of year when we launch our annual series of Fringe preview Q & A’s. talks about her show .pre-comedy, tequila pre-cabaret. Espresso Martinis from midnight.

What makes your show stand out from all of the others on offer?

It’s funny but in a very oh-god-I-don’t-know-if-it’s-ok-to-laugh-at-this kind of way. The design team is also kick ass, we’ve gone into this thinking about the whole show, not just the story.

What show, other than your own, do you not want to miss?

TOO MANY. Give me all the shows! Jack Rooke’s Happy Hour, Sarah Milton’s Tumble Tuck, Milly Thomas’ Brutal Cessation (obvs – no, seriously it’s too good), Tamar Broadbent’s Get Ugly, Holly deAngelis after hours in the Underbelly bar.

Finally, the boring but essential bit…

Name of the show: Dust

Venue: Underbelly Cowgate (Big Belly)

Dates: Thursday 3 – Sunday 27 August 2017 (not 15)

Time: 16:40

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Photo of The Reviews Hub - Scotland

The Reviews Hub - Scotland

The Scotland team is under the editorship of Lauren Humphreys. The Reviews Hub was set up in 2007. We aim to review all professional types of theatre, whether that be Commercial, Repertory or Fringe as well as Comedy, Music, Gigs etc.

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