It’s that time of year when we launch our annual series of Fringe preview Q & A’s. Paul Davies talks about his show Seagulls.
In one sentence tell us about your show.
It is an inside out, upside down version of Chekhov’s Seagull; it is a tremendous union of acting and anarchy.
What made you decide to bring a show this year?
We wanted to find an unusual space to bring our show to Edinburgh, but we couldn’t find such a space as they have all been appropriated by organisations that have business models of performance that don’t allow for the kind of experimentations that we had in mind. So we decided to run a great big church ourselves. We also wanted to come to Edinburgh as we had been selected by the British Council for their showcase.
Any advice you’ve heard or can give to anyone coming to the Fringe for the first time?
We have been coming to the Fringe for more than 20 years and I think the first thing to sort out before the show – is where are you going to stay while performing – this seems a massive cost and you really need to consider it. The second thing is the venue – where do you want to perform? More important though – is why do you want to come here to Scotland and what do you want out of the experience. Have you got anything distinctive to say?
What makes your show stand out from all of the others on offer? (Don’t say that it’s because you’re in it).
Because we are out of the way, out on a limb, taking a risk, not in one of your typical multinational venues, because our show has a lot of water in it and will look beautiful and be funny.
What show, other than your own, do you not want to miss?
Anything that is international and really good.
Finally, the boring but essential bit…
Name of the show: Seagulls
Venue: Leith Volcano
Dates: 8 to 26 August 2017
Time: Times vary