

It’s that time of year when we launch our annual series of Fringe preview Q & A’s.Next up, Kat Bond talks about her show Loo Roll.

In one sentence tell us about your show.

A character comedy show about family and a whole lot of loo roll.

What made you decide to bring a show this year?

Because I had a really clear idea for the show this year. I woke up sweating after a dream about Andrex and I wanted the best audiences in the world to watch it. Also, FOMO, am I right?

Any advice you’ve heard or can give to anyone coming to the Fringe for the first time?

I think ‘expect nothing’ and ‘enjoy everything’. ‘Don’t take yourself too seriously’ and ‘Tomorrow is another day with no mistakes in it’, but mainly, don’t take advice from anyone with the surname Bond.

What makes your show stand out from all of the others on offer? (Don’t say that it’s because you’re in it!)

I think its heart as well as its humour. The fact that its lead character was found in a bin and that there is a full sized bin on stage and just the sheer amount of bog roll!

What show, other than your own, do you not want to miss?

I must not miss Andy Barr or Prom Kween or James Rowland. That is three!

Finally, the boring but essential bit…

Name of Show: Kat Bond: Loo Roll

Venue: Pleasance Courtyard

Dates: 2 August – 28 August 2017 (not 16)

Time: 17:45

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The Reviews Hub - Scotland

The Scotland team is under the editorship of Lauren Humphreys. The Reviews Hub was set up in 2007. We aim to review all professional types of theatre, whether that be Commercial, Repertory or Fringe as well as Comedy, Music, Gigs etc.

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