By: The Awkward Silence
Music and Lyrics: Henry Carpenter
Director: Julian Spooner
Reviewer: Simon Topping
An inventive, funny and warm multi-character and musical comedy romp from the Leicester Square theatre sketch off competition runners up.
Louis Voler (Vyvyan Almond) wants his dad, Mike (Ralph Jones), out of his life – which is difficult as Mike’s just got them sent to jail. Can Louis navigate life inside without his old man to guide him? Can Mike win back his son’s affection before it’s too late? This eager audience is about to find out.
Almond and Jones deftly play a myriad of characters in this father, son comedy musical. We are introduced to a prison governor who has turned his building into more of a holistic centre than a correctional facility, one of Mike’s old friends, Bendy Legs, an unrepentant judge and a bent cop, to name just a few. The list of people is dizzying and the duo could have afforded to drop a character or two but, having said that, the core of the characters are solid and very enjoyable to watch.
Both performers are wonderful physical comedians and the piece showcases their talents as well honed actors. Almond’s facial contortions and long limbs garner plenty of laughter, while Jones’ deadpan delivery and fabulously well timed comedic turn of phrases are lovely to watch.
The music is mostly well done and the lyrics, as written by Henry Carpenter, are sharply crafted. Occasionally the music seems a little laboured and the songs slightly too long, however this is countered by the enthusiastic performances and total commitment to the piece.
As the piece continues the audience is privy to some very inventive staging, fabulous wordplay and some wonderfully silly and surreal ideas. The show has a lot of warmth and heart at its centre and is very well delivered.
There is plenty of laughter in the room as a prison break is attempted and the father and son become closer due to their ordeal.
Touching in places and always very funny, it is lovely to spend an hour in the company of this Awkward Silence.
Runs at Gilded Balloon, Teviot until august 29th 2022