East AngliaReview

Buffy Revamped – Theatre Royal, Norwich

Reviewer: Lu Greer

Writer and Performer: Brendan Murphy

Director: Hamish MacDougall

Seventy minutes. Seven seasons. Told by the one and only Spike. This comedic one-man show retelling of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is part parody and part homage to the iconic late 90s TV show, full of pop culture references, costume changes, and quick audience asides.

Brandon Murphy’s one-man show is narrated by Spike as he tells the tale of Sunnydale, the town on the Hell Mouth, and the trials and tribulations of its residents. All of the main characters are accounted for, some through light-speed costume changes or in the case of a certain iconic vamp through the use of a leather trench coat on a clothes hanger. Murphy’s take on Rupert Giles in particular is surprisingly accurate and almost makes you wish there had been more of it in the show.

The show utilises multiple plot devices throughout, with clever use of the staging and carefully positioned props, as well as a few songs and some poetry to boot. Instead of simply recounting the show the audience loves, however, Murphy pokes fun at it throughout and takes joy in highlighting some of the more problematic characters. It’s good to see he also pauses on the point of Spike’s most problematic moment instead of simply skipping over it.

This is certainly a show for the fans. Anyone who hasn’t seen Buffy will be more lost than Season 1 Cordelia in the library, but for those who love the show, or just like it, or have been dragged along by a friend and panic-binged a few episodes the night before, it’s exceptional. There is no logical reason that a one-man show about a teenage girl fighting vampires should work, but it is genuinely hilarious from start to finish and something any wannabe member of the Scooby Gang needs to see.

Runs Until: 31 May 2023

The Reviews Hub Score

Shouldn't work, but really does

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