ComedyFeaturedFestivalsReviewSouth East

BRIGHTON FRINGE: Criminal – The Walrus, Brighton

Reviewer: Isabella Crawley

Created by: Ralph Jones and Joel Gatehouse

Criminalis a long-standing expert of the improvised murder mystery. Having featured some of the biggest names in improv comedy among their guest stars,Criminal’sreputation precedes itself, and it never fails to disappoint.

The show is devised and introduced jointly by Ralph Jones and Joel Gatehouse, who do all the improv ‘admin’ at the beginning of the show. They warm us up nicely while collecting audience suggestions for the story that’s about to unfold – in this case, a profession for the deceased, a location for the murder, and a murder weapon. Tonight’s performers are regular and co-host Ralph Jones, Max Dickins, Matt Grant of the Noise Next Door and The Mayday’s Jenny Rowe. Dickins, Grant, and Rowe play an absurd number of absurd characters against Jones’ detective, who is tasked with deducing which of this gaggle of strange suspects is the murderer.

It’s a fairly classic set-up for improvised murder mystery, where the detective is the only member of the cast that doesn’t know who is guilty. However, Criminaloffers an extra option in the audience interaction; after dealing out guilty or innocent cards to the cast at the beginning of the show, we are then told we can either watch as the killer reveals their identity, or close our eyes and find out only at the end. It’s a small feature, but an extra joy for the audience to customise their experience.

The bulk of the show then follows Jones’ detective as he moves from location to location, meeting – among many others – Grant’s clowning Italian waiter, Rowe’s jolly, hot-air ballooning widow, and Dickins’ almost-too-suspicious business rival. The performers are outstanding, sharing the stage beautifully, generally being hilarious, and ticking all the boxes we’d like in a murder mystery. They weave Jones in a merry dance of red herrings, endless suspicions, affairs and apparitions, with the audience laughing all the way to the denouement.

Criminalis not only a masterclass in improv comedy and a spot-on genre piece, but also brings improvisers of all different walks together to play, which is a delight to see. It is a staple that all improv fans should add to add to their must-see list.

Runs until 4 June 2023

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Killer comedy

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