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Brighton Bites: Scream Phone

After an amazing response last year we have once again resurrected our Brighton Bites mini-interviews. These short and snappy Q&As offer an, occasionally witty – often hilarious, insight into the acts strutting, sailing, surfing (insert preferred form of transport here) in to join the line-up of England’s largest arts festival, Brighton Fringe. 2018 was a record-breaking year for the Fringe with over 575,000 people attending the festival; and with 2019 promising to be more inclusive than ever, our Bites aim to give you a taste of what’s in store across the 4,500+ events and performances that are on offer.

Next up, Swipe Right Theatre tell us about their show Scream Phone which they’ll be performing at the Komedia Studio.

Describe your show in one sentence?
Scream meets Clueless in this hilarious horror musical.

Why Brighton Fringe?
We LOVE Brighton, it has such an amazing atmosphere all year round, and during the Fringe it is even better. We want people to have a lot of fun in our show, and what place is better to find a fun audience then Brighton.

How did the show get to where it is today?
We were all obsessed in the game Dream Phone when we were younger, and one day we were visiting my childhood home, and playing the game, now as adults with a couple of glasses of wine, and thought wouldn’t this be the best inspiration for a show. We decided to mix everything we love together, horror movies, 90s pop culture, 80s music to create Scream Phone. What started as a slightly drunken idea in has turned into what we think is a really fun and clever show for all!

What do you think sets your show apart from all the other festival offerings?
This show will take you back to all the things you loved about the 80s and 90s! It is a lot of fun but with a bit of a spooky twist!

What show do you not want to miss at this year’s Brighton Fringe (apart from your own!)?
Fat Rascal’s Vulverine looks brilliant, we LOVED their show Buzz so very excited to see it!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given, or would give, for performing at a fringe festival?
Berocca, no late night currys (no matter how tempting), and just trying to remember it’s a marathon not a sprint so pace yourself!

With the theme of this year’s festival being ‘DARE to Discover’, we’d like you to tell us a TRUTH – something about you or the show that fans may not know.
Well…now that would be giving away our secrets MUAHAHA. But why not ‘Discover’ Scream Phone and we DARE you to sit on the front row.

Scream Phone runs at Brighton Fringe from 30-31 May 2019. Brighton Fringe continues until 2 June 2019;

Nicole Craft | Image: Contributed

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