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Brighton Bites: Notflix

After an amazing response last year we have once again resurrected our Brighton Bites mini-interviews. These short and snappy Q&As offer an, occasionally witty – often hilarious, insight into the acts strutting, sailing, surfing (insert preferred form of transport here) in to join the line-up of England’s largest arts festival, Brighton Fringe. 2018 was a record-breaking year for the Fringe with over 575,000 people attending the festival; and with 2019 promising to be more inclusive than ever, our Bites aim to give you a taste of what’s in store across the 4,500+ events and performances that are on offer.

Next up, Austin Talent tell us about their show Notflix which they’ll be performing at The Warren: The Hat.

Describe your show in one sentence?
Feminist, funny, fearless, improvised musical comedy, in which we make the audience suggestion of a movie a whole lot better by turning it into a musical.

Why Brighton Fringe?
We love Brighton Fringe! This is our third year, although our first at the Warren, and we find audiences here to be exactly on our wavelength – in other words totally on board with a group of female comics lovingly destroying Hollywood movies by turning them into an extravaganza of feminist, LGBTQ musical campness.

How did the show get to where it is today?
We worked exceptionally hard, rehearsing constantly and always innovating and refining. We also never accepted no for an answer, so back in the early days when being musical, female and feminist was a triumvirate of horrors for most comedy bookers, we set up our own comedy nights, which were soon selling out – and not to mainstream comedy audiences – to women, the LGBTQ community, to all those who felt intimidated by going to a regular comedy night. It’s the support of these audiences that has got us where we are today – the biggest underground cult hit that you’ve never heard of.

What do you think sets your show apart from all the other festival offerings?
You could get tickets for every single Notflix show and never see the same thing twice. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a movie you love/ hate made even better / totally destroyed.

What show do you not want to miss at this year’s Brighton Fringe (apart from your own!)?
Katie Pritchard and her incredible history show. She’s an undiscovered genius.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given, or would give, for performing at a fringe festival?
Eat healthy, drink moderately and pick your flatmates carefully.

With the theme of this year’s festival being ‘DARE to Discover’, we’d like you to tell us a TRUTH – something about you or the show that fans may not know.
That for a show based on movies, we really don’t watch as many as we should, which results in horrible mishaps such as the show in which we confused Martin Freeman for Morgan Freeman, resulting in some baffling choices of accent.

Notflix runs at Brighton Fringe from 31 May – 2 June 2019. Brighton Fringe continues until 2 June 2019;

Nicole Craft | Image: Contributed

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