After an amazing response last year we have once again resurrected our Brighton Bites mini-interviews. These short and snappy Q&As offer an, occasionally witty – often hilarious, insight into the acts strutting, sailing, surfing (insert preferred form of transport here) in to join the line-up of England’s largest arts festival, Brighton Fringe. 2018 was a record-breaking year for the Fringe with over 575,000 people attending the festival; and with 2019 promising to be more inclusive than ever, our Bites aim to give you a taste of what’s in store across the 4,500+ events and performances that are on offer.
Next up, Josh Massen & Phil Green tell us about their show Long Man Doing Short Jokes, Short Man Doing Long Jokes which they’ll be performing at Junkyard Dogs: The Kennel.
Describe your show in one sentence?
A long man and a short man put their two very different comedy styles up against each other in one hour at the Brighton Fringe.
Why Brighton Fringe?
We have performed before at the Brighton Fringe and have seen how great the audiences are and how well the city has embraced the festival.
How did the show get to where it is today?
We have known each other for a couple of years now and though we have different comedy styles, have always loved each other’s material. We felt bringing our styles together in the same show would offer something for everyone.
What do you think sets your show apart from all the other festival offerings?
Two very different comedy styles in one hour. Quirky, sometimes surreal and definitely a fun show.
What show do you not want to miss at this year’s Brighton Fringe (apart from your own!)?
William Stone, Heidi Regan, Esther Manito, Adam Hess
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given, or would give, for performing at a fringe festival?
Get enough sleep, flyer like crazy, but most importantly, embrace the atmosphere and enjoy the experience.
With the theme of this year’s festival being ‘DARE to Discover’, we’d like you to tell us a TRUTH – something about you or the show that fans may not know. |
Phil went out of his comfort zone last year by going on an ‘adult’ gap year and ended up having his appendix taken out in Bolivia!!
Long Man Doing Short Jokes, Short Man Doing Long Jokes runs at Brighton Fringe from 29 May – 1 June 2019. Brighton Fringe continues until 2 June 2019;
Nicole Craft | Image: Contributed