
Alexandra Haddow: Not My Finest Hour – Edinburgh Fringe 2023, Bunker 2 Pleasance Courtyard

Reviewer: Harriet Chappell

From the get-go Alexandra Haddow’s content is punchy and quick with embarrassingly relatable content – we all remember being 17 years old and I’m sure we would all rather forget the most cringe-worthy deeds we committed. Alex recounts hers in excruciating detail and although I am exhausted from a long day, I cannot stop smiling. The laughs come easily and consistently throughout the show, your mouth will often fall open in gobsmacked awe at her experiences.

The taboo content of first sexual experiences, affairs, and many more interesting topics had the audience sat up and giving all of their attention. it leaves you desperate for her to go further in her storytelling, although this might have been too explicit for even stand-up. Her self-deprecating tone is reassuring and gives an impression of talking to an old friend, a style that created immediate rapport with the audience.

Haddow’s delivery was very smooth and practiced, and even though she has told these stories many times before they still came across as fresh and full of new thoughts. The show had an over-arching story that had her branching off from to tell more anecdotes, but always returned to which was a nice break from the longer tale and also allowed for better context. Haddow broached difficult subjects such as abortion with confidence and dignity, still somehow eliciting giggles from the audience at what can be such a dark topic.

Definitely recommended for consistent laughs and an upbeat atmosphere.

Runs until 25 August 2023 | Image: Ella Kemp

The Reviews Hub Score

A laugh a minute

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